I've been quite busy...

Turns out that being an Au Pair is actually quite time consuming, and so I haven't really kept this up to date... whoops. But surely that just proves that I have been having quite a good time?! The last month has felt like the quickest month ever, but quick in a good way! I've visited various French towns and beaches, we've watched Giant puppets from Montreal in Le Havre, the Light show in Rouen Cathedral and watched Bastille day fireworks over the beach. Magical. 

To be honest the best place to see most of what I have been getting upto is on Instagram as I post on there almost daily. But I will start writing a bit more on the where I have been and what's been going on!


Les Geants du Montreal
Goldfish whispering
A small gardener
Being very au-pair-y in Le Havre


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